You can register a .com, .net or .org domain name for as little as $7 a year. The most popular low-cost domain registrar is[1] . Firms such as Network Solutions[2] can cost $35 a year. Prices can decrease if you register multiple domain names, or register for longer periods of time.
Tip: When you register your domain name, make sure you (or your business) is the sole owner of the domain name. Some domain registrars offer "discounts" by "co-owning" the domain name with you. This should not be a problem if you use a reputable registrar and purchase only domain name registration from them.
If you agree to use a suite of online tools, you can get a free domain name registration as part of Microsoft Office 365[3] .
If you transfer a domain, they should add a year to your current expiration date.
Forwarding a domain name ("") to another domain ("") is usually free assuming you own both domain names.
Additional costs:
Domain registrars also usually offer services to capture an expiring domain name, though the reliability of these captures can be very low as others may also be trying to take the same domain name.
Domain name registrars usually offer web hosting services to host your website. Your domain registrar may not necessarily the right web host for your site.
Registrars sometimes offer price specials.
Shopping for domain registration:
Popular domain registrars include GoDaddy[4] , a low-cost firm,[5] , known for service and support, and Network Solutions[6] .
You can sign up for to beta Microsoft Office 365[7] .
7 Lesser-Known Discounts for the 50+ Crowd As they age, members of the Baby Boomer generation don't like to admit that they're senior citizens, but they love getting discounts. It's kind of a quandary, because some of the best deals available are reduced prices for older folks. || Posted October 21 2013
7 Ways to Stretch Your Reduced Food Budget End of the year budgets are tight for everyone, especially in this economy.It's especially hard for the millions of Americans who depend on government programs like food stamps to help make ends meet. || Posted November 11 2013
Although at first appears more expensive then the others they really aren't. One of the things I like is that I get to deal with a real person with experience. Also they don't sell you things you don't need which has happened for example to me at godaddy! They often are runnning discounts that bring down the price (just ask!) to $12 per domain.
I find that for a beginner GoDaddy offers an awesome service. The ads that you are walked through are intended to make them money but for me they showed/reminded me the many options that I was not aware of. In addition, when I was getting started I called the GoDaddy help desk more than 20 times for help on a large verity of subjects concerning my account. Normally there was no wait for help but the few times I had to wait I never waited over 2-3 minutes. Each time the tech went out of his/her way to be of help. Don't get me wrong, I am no computer novice but initial help with the stuff in web building world was a God Send.
Oh, one other thing. If you will put up with a small ad at the top of your web pages GoDaddy will host your site for free.
Make that two. You can up or down grade your service any time you wish. They will be glad to assist you with the process. pushes you to go through all their options and add-ons in order to get one domain. offers straightforward pricing and service. Everything is there without the ads and workarounds. I've used both but transferred everything to Aplus because it gave me more control and was just easier to use.
I've been using GoDaddy for years now and I like their prices. So far, so good, no problems. If you go straight to their website, they usually charge $9 to register a .com domain, but if you see an ad for GoDaddy, like on Google, you can usually get it for $7.
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